Sunday, October 18, 2015

Real World Math

This week we had several parents visit our classes to talk about how they use math in their daily lives!

Mrs. Shipman came to talk to us about how she uses math in her job as a speech language pathologist.  Although math is one of the things that she does not help children with, she uses math to track the progress of her clients, and she also uses math to schedule appointments and for billing purposes.

 Sergeant Marlow shared with us photos and videos of an aircraft that refuels other aircraft midair!  The kids thought this was very cool!

Sergeant Marlow also had the kids calculate how much gas would be needed to refuel different amounts of aircraft.  He was very impressed with our multiplication and division skills!

Mrs. Bowser spoke with us about area and perimeter and how we might use these skills in our lives outside of school.

She also had the kids calculate the area of sod or dirt needed to fill the space inside a little box that she made for each student.  We had a great time learning about area and perimeter!

Thank you to all the parents that have come in to speak with us so far this month!  We look forward to hearing from more parents this week.

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